
Obojima Tales From The Tall Grass: A 5E Campaign Setting

Created by 1985 Games

A new and whimsical campaign setting for 5E. Create your own unforgettable tale on the island of Obojima.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Potion Brewing Chapter Draft & New Podcast Episode and Podcast Update
15 days ago – Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 05:44:39 PM

Hello Everyone!

In this week's update, we've got a new Draft Chapter for review and a new Podcast Episode.

Chapter Draft Reviews

We need your help! If you haven't seen them already, we've been releasing chapters from the book for you to look over. These chapters are about 90% complete, as layout and art may or may not be missing depending on the chapter. That said, before we put the final stamp of approval on these chapters, we want the community to see it first. We've had our editors look through everything already, but we understand with a book this big, we are bound to miss something.

Anyone interested in seeing a sneak peek of the book and helping us out can check out the Latest release "Potion Brewing" or last week's chapter  "Players Options". You'll also find a survey, which you can fill out if you see anything out of place.

BIG NOTE- Our artists are finishing up the potion art as we speak. So, you can expect to see some missing potions and reused potion art in this Draft.

Click Here to take a look at the Potion Brewing chapter.

Click Here to take a look at the Potion Brewing Survey.

Click Here to take a look at the Players Options chapter.

Click Here to take a look at the Players Options Survey.

New Podcast Episode: The Stone Fish Cities

In this week's Podcast: Episode Twenty-Eight, The Stone Fish Cities, Jeremiah and Adam Talk about the future of the podcast and create one of the more unique cities found on the island of Obojima. Join us as we jump into exciting news and exciting world-building.

Watch the full episode on:

As always, I hope you all have an amazing weekend and we'll chat soon!

New Chapter Draft & Podcast Episode
23 days ago – Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 03:48:52 PM

Hello Everyone!

In this week's update, we've got a new Draft Chapter for review and a new Podcast Episode.

Chapter Draft Reviews

We need your help! If you haven't seen them already, we've been releasing chapters from the book for you to look over. These chapters are about 90% complete, as layout and art may or may not be missing depending on the chapter. That said, before we put the final stamp of approval on these chapters, we want the community to see it first. We've had our editors look through everything already, but we understand with a book this big, we are bound to miss something.

Anyone interested in seeing a sneak peek of the book and helping us out can check out the Latest release "Players Options" or last week's chapter "Spells" below. You'll also find a survey, which you can fill out if you see anything out of place.

Click Here to take a look at the Players Options chapter.

Click Here to take a look at the Players Options Survey.

Click Here to take a look at the Spell chapter.

Click Here to fill out the Spell chapter survey.

New Podcast Episode: Creating A Subclass

In this week's Podcast: Episode Twenty-Seven, Creating Monster Stats, Jeremiah flies solo as he takes you behind the scenes as to how he creates Monster Stat Blocks. If this is something you'd like to see more of, please let us know!

Watch the full episode on:

As always, I hope you all have an amazing weekend and we'll chat soon!

Cheers, Jeremiah

Timeline Update, New Playtest, New Draft Chapter, & New Podcast
about 1 month ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 05:07:43 PM

Hello Everyone!

In this week's update, we've got a few things to talk about this week. A big update on the project timeline, A new Chapter Draft for everyone to review, The last subclass playtest, and a new podcast episode.


Let's start by talking about the timeline. Originally, we set out to fulfill next month, but due to burnout from our artist team, we decided to slow things down and give our amazing artists some time to recover. This project, at its core, is just as much about the artistic style as it is about the writing, so this felt like the best course of action on our part. That put the updated release schedule for late October this year, and that's where we've been until this week.

So what's changed?

The reality is, if we wanted to, we could push through with our plan and rush through this last 15% of layout and production and still probably fulfill late October or early November, but that comes with a handful of issues. The largest of which, is the fact that we won't have the time to put in the love and care to bring this project to its greatest potential. We know that with a little more time, we can make this book everything we wanted and more.

So why did it take so long to make this decision?

There are two major reasons. The first is of course our desire to make the community happy. Delays are never fun for anyone and we've been working tirelessly to try and stop this delay. So for us to let it happen was a big disappointment. If we could make it work without a delay, we were going to try to the very last minute.

The next was a business choice we had to make. Not fulfilling in October meant that we as a company were going to miss out on holiday sales, which as a small team is fairly meaningful. To slow down, with that goal just in sight is a hard thing to do.

These two factors made this a tough choice for us as a team. That said, after talking it over we decided to give ourselves a little more time and instead fulfill the project starting in December and going into January.

I'm sure some of you will be upset by this decision, and we don't fault you for that. We set a date, and couldn't make it happen. We just hope that when you finally see the book fully assembled, it will be well worth the wait.

Chapter Draft Reviews

We need your help! If you haven't seen them already, we've been releasing chapters from the book for you to look over. These chapters are about 95% complete, as layout and art may or may not be missing depending on the chapter. That said, before we put the final stamp of approval on these chapters, we want the community to see it first. We've had our editors look through everything already, but we understand with a book this big, we are bound to miss something.

Anyone interested in seeing a sneak peek of the book and helping us out can check out the Latest release "Spells" or last week's chapters "Island" and "World" below. You'll also find a survey, which you can fill out if you see anything out of place.

Click Here to take a look at the Spell chapter.

Click Here to fill out the Spell chapter survey.

Click Here to take a look at the Island and World chapters.

Click Here to fill out the Island & World chapter survey.

New Podcast Episode: Creating A Subclass

In this week's Podcast: Episode Twenty-Six, Creating A Subclass, Jeremiah flies solo as he takes you behind the scenes as to how he creates subclasses and builds out balanced concepts. If this is something you'd like to see more of, please let us know!

Watch the full episode on:

Playtest Update: Sheep Dragon Shepherd 

In this week's playtest drop, we have the final Subclass from the book. The Sheep Dragon Shepherd was the "community build" winner, and its abilities were collectively suggested by all of you (with a bit of massaging from me). I hope you all enjoy it, and I can't wait to hear your feedback.


You can check out the Sheep Dragon Shepherd Here.

As always, I hope you all have an amazing weekend and we'll chat soon!

Cheers, Jeremiah

Obojima's Hour Long Songs
about 1 month ago – Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 03:44:50 PM

Hello Everyone,

We're currently at Gen Con in Indianapolis, so things are quite busy on our end. That said, we've got a few small updates this week.

New Chapter Release Next Week

Next week we'll be releasing another set of draft chapters for the community to look through. If you haven't looked at the island and world chapter we released last week, you can find them below.

Click HERE to see the island and world chapters.

Hour-Long Song Versions

We've uploaded hour-long versions of each of our newly released songs for your dnd pleasure. Right now they are only available on YouTube, but will be available on Spotify soon.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and we'll chat soon!

Cheers, Jeremiah

Chapter Draft Reviews & New Podcast Episode
about 1 month ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 04:01:51 PM

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