
Obojima Tales From The Tall Grass: A 5E Campaign Setting

Created by 1985 Games

A new and whimsical campaign setting for 5E. Create your own unforgettable tale on the island of Obojima.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Podcast & The Last Song of The Album!
8 days ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 04:21:29 PM

Hello Everyone,

In this week's update, we have the reveal of the final song in our Obojima Album: The Sound of Wind. Additionally, we have a new podcast and a mini-update on the content to come.

Mini Update

Next week we will be showing off a handful of "finished" chapters for everyone to look over. We'll get into more detail in the following update, but it will be a big step for this project. We say finished chapters as this is only partially true. We'll be looking towards the Community to help spot any errors we may have not caught. I won't get into too much detail now, as it will all be explained next week. I just wanted to jump in here to give everyone a heads-up. 

New Podcast Episode: Creating Villains

In this week's Podcast: Episode Twenty-Four, Creating Villains, The writers discuss how you can create intersting and multifacetedinteresting villains for your Obojima campaign. Join them as they chat about how other popular shows and movies utilize villains, why it's important for players to learn about your villains, and the benefit of having multiple villains in a story. 

Watch the full episode on:

The LAST Song in the Album!

Lose yourself in the melodies of Obojima with our latest musical composition, "The Sound of Wind". Composed by the incredibly talented Steve Gernes and now EMMIE AWARD WINNING, this is considered the titular song of the album, having gone by the internal name of "Obojima Theme" for the longest time. Of all the songs, this by far took the most time to produce and write, with over two months of back and forth between the creative team and Steve Gernes our composer. We hope that all that hard work pays off and that you all love the piece because we certainly do.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and we'll chat soon!

Cheers, Jeremiah

Obojima's Sensitivity Consultant, New Music, & New Podcast Episode
15 days ago – Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 03:50:11 PM

Hello Everyone!

In this week's update, we're speaking about the work we've done to ensure Obojima is respectful of its inspirations and the people helping us along the way. Additionally, we've got a new podcast episode and song for you to check out.

Sensitivity Consultant

Obojima takes a lot of inspiration from some of our favorite works of fiction in the last three decades. Specifically, the works of Hayao Miyazaki,  Shigeru Miyamoto, and Eiji Aonuma the creators of Studio Ghibli and The Legend of Zelda.

These two bodies of work encompass a wide variety of themes and tones. They stretched our imaginations and shaped a generation. And so when we wanted to create a world of our own, we turned to these inspirations that are so dearly loved.

But that also came with an understanding that we would be creating in a space that we (as a predominantly Caucasian creative team) wouldn't fully understand. We knew that to pay homage to a creative work that, it in itself was referencing a people and culture, we would need to be extra diligent and respectful. If we weren't careful, we wouldn't be adding to the genre but rather creating a caricature of it and that is the last thing we wanted to do.

So we brought on an amazing team member to help ensure that we produce a product all people can enjoy. Dr. Emma Yasui has PhD from the University of Toronto in the Department of Anthropology. Besides her work as a teacher or on archeological sites, she's also in recent years begun to work as a cultural and sensitivity consultant in the gaming space. Not only that, but she's also a skilled writer who has worked with other game publishers (such as her work in the Tian Xia World Guide produced by Pathfinder earlier this year).

Along with our editing team, Emma is currently working through our written content to remove anything she might find inappropriate. As we said, we've done quite a bit ourselves to try and be as respectful as possible, but due to a lack of understanding or even coincidence, we were going to make a mistake. Emma is here to help stop those mistakes from happening. Overall she's been an absolute pleasure to work with and has been invaluable to the team.

I hope that if this update says anything, it's that we as a team truly care about creating an inclusive and respectful project. We are incredibly grateful for this opportunity, and we want nothing more than to prove we were worthy of all the trust we were given to create such a project. 
This update is sure to spark questions, so if you have any please feel free to ask, and we'll get back to you ASAP! 

New Podcast Episode: Companion Spirits

In this week's Podcast: Episode Twenty-Three, Companion Spirits, The writers discuss the companion spirit system, a story-driven NPC system for GMs to use when they want a classic whimsical companion for one of their player characters. Join them as they discuss how these spirits are different from familiars, how companion spirits fit into the world, and how a GM might use them in a story.

Watch the full episode on:

New Music

Lose yourself in the melodies of Obojima with our latest musical composition, "Leap to Adventure". Composed by the incredibly talented Steve Gernes and now EMMIE AWARD WINNING, this exciting and fast-paced piece perfectly captures the feeling of leaping into the adventurous side of Obojima. Listen to the latest track and let your imagination soar!

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and we'll chat soon!

Cheers, Jeremiah

Mini Update and New Podcast
22 days ago – Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 03:31:03 PM

Hello Everyone!

In this week's update, we've got a podcast brand new podcast with the writers and a mini update on the project As a whole.

Mini Project Update

Right now, we're finishing up a lot of Obojima projects, all of which require a majority of our time and attention. We have all aspects of creative working simultaneously to finish the accessories products as we continue to iron out the layout and finals for a handful of mechanical elements.

Overall we are happy with how the project is progressing and in the next week, we will have a large update.

New Podcast Episode: Hero's Journey Boon's

In this week's Podcast: Episode Twenty-Two, The Hero's Journey Boon System, The writers discuss the hero's journey boon system, a loose but impactful mechanic for GMs to use in game to reward important and powerful moments of character development. Join them as they discuss what character development looks like and how it can be used in D&D.

Watch the full episode on:

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and we'll chat soon!

Cheers, Jeremiah

Q&A Podcast Episode
29 days ago – Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 03:03:12 PM

Hello Everyone!

In this week's update, we've got a podcast Q&A with Me (Jeremiah) and that's about it. Right now we've got our heads down working nonstop, but we should have some exciting updates and some of the last batches of playtests coming out in the next few weeks.

New Podcast Episode: Q&A With Jeremiah

In this week's Podcast: Episode Twenty-One, Jeremiah's Q&A, Jeremiah (Me) stumbles and fumbles through the lovely questions left on the Podcast Q&A discord channel. 

Watch the full episode on:

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and we'll chat soon!

Cheers, Jeremiah

DUMMY Book Samples & New Podcast
about 1 month ago – Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 03:24:01 PM

Hello Everyone!

This week we've got another Podcast Episode and pictures of the book sample!

Book Sample

Even though this is just a dummy book copy with no real text on the interior, it did feel amazing to get this in our hands this week. In this sample we got to feel in person the quality of the pages, the difference in materials, the thickness of the cover, and a few other small things. We were delighted, but still need to make alterations, as a few things, like the cover, just weren't up to our standards.

New Podcast Episode: The Monsters of Obojima

In this week's Podcast: Episode Twenty, The Monsters of Obojima, the writers concept a dozen or more creatures across the biomes of Obojima. Join them as they work out the feel monsters should invoke in Obojima and come up with a few interesting monster mechanics that can be used for any monster in any game.

Watch the full episode on:

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and we'll chat soon!

Cheers, Jeremiah